166: Sitting Down with My Sisters: Family Dynamics, Anxiety, Jealousy, and More

The episode you all have been requesting since the beginning! In this episode, I sit down with my two sisters, Lucy and Madi. We discuss respecting their varying boundaries on social media, whether our birth order accurately reflects who we are, and how our personalities differ. We also get into each of our relationships with anxiety, how our relationships with each other have evolved over time, and whether we deal with competition in our relationships and as mothers, since Madi and I have sons who are very close in age. 


Key Takeaway / Points:

  • Protecting Madi and Lucy’s boundaries on social media

  • On birth order and why we are each quintessentially the youngest, middle, and oldest children

  • How our personalities differ

  • How we are each like our mother, Cindy

  • Each of our relationships with anxiety and mental health

  • How our relationships have evolved over time, from hardships to becoming friends again as adults

  • How we dealt with comparison and competition while growing up, and whether it exists between me and Madi as mothers

  • On jealousy within our sisterhood and feeling left out

  • What we admire in each other


Learn more about the 1619 Project here


Follow me:

Instagram: @cameronoaksrogers

Website: freckledfoodie.com

TikTok: @cameronoaksrogers

Twitter: @freckledfoodie

Youtube: Cameron Rogers / Freckled Foodie

Pinterest: Freckled Foodie


Creative Lead: Amelie Yeager

Produced by Dear Media.